How Making a Raised Flower Bed Garden Can Improve Your Yard

Raised flower bed gardens around a home with pink, yellow, and red flowers

Making a raised flower bed garden is not a usual raised bed garden.  Most people think of vegetable gardens when people talk about raised bed gardens, but raised flower beds are a great way to have beautiful spot in your yard.  You can even combine the flowers and the veggies and herbs to help the bees come to pollinate for you.

You could make your raised bed garden with a raised flower bed kit or from scratch.  Just be sure you are fitting it to your space and cost you can afford.

Most flowers will do well in raised flower beds.  But you will want to be sure you know about your flowers.  Know if they are seasonal or annuals.  know how long they will be expected to grow and if they need to be taken out each year and replaced with new flowers.  Some flowers will die off but you leave the plant in the ground as it will re-grow the next year.

If you are building a raised flower bed be sure you have enough soil for root growth of the plants you are planting.  Check with your local garden center or nursery to ask about the plants that will work best in your soil and witht he depth you have.

Be sure to water your garden enough as well.  raised boxes have to be watered more then in the ground gardens to keep the moisture int he soil.  some boxes have to be watered daily.  This can also depend ont he plants you have so be sure to ask at the nursery how much water your plants need as well.

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