How to Save Money on Groceries Without Using Coupons

Groceries are needed for living. Find out the best tips to save money on groceries without using a single coupon!

A bag of groceries laying on a table spread out.

Saving Money on Groceries Without Coupons

Do you want to save money without using coupons?  While I LOVE coupons and use them all the time, I have had many people tell me that they don’t have time for them or they really just need to learn the strategy of shopping at grocery stores.  I think it is very possible to get a lot out of you shopping trips when you shop smart.  So I wanted to share with you some tips I have so you can shop effectively without coupons.  This will be a series through the coming weeks and go up each Thursday.

I have had friends do some of these and they have been able to cut their grocery budget on average by 50%!  These steps can drastically bring down your budget and I would even go as far as to say that you could save up to 70% just by going these simple things.

A bag of groceries laying on a table.

Here are the topic we will be covering over the next 15 weeks are:

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  1. Menu Planning
  2. Know Your Price Points and How to Find them
  3. Shop The Sales
  4. Reading Your ad Flier and Shopping effectively
  5. Shop The Clearance sections
  6. Price Matching
  7. Stock Pile
  8. Cooking From Scratch
  9. Know Your Grocery Store
  10. Schedule Your Eat Outs
  11. 1 a month no shopping week
  12. No Meat Nights
  13. Shopping With In Season Produce
  14. Shop at local markets
  15. Using Coops for produce

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  1. I love your website… especially this page… flows along with my Top 10 Ways to save also. I thought maybe you’d like to see a Free Grocery List Spreadsheet I put out that helps you keep track of all your price points, sale prices and those once in a blue moon sale prices. You can get that here at the bottom:
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