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The Best Cranberry Orange Bread Recipe I Have ever Tasted
Cranberry orange bread has become an after holiday staple in our home. It is the perfect combination of bitter and sweet and it is a great change to the usual sweet fruit bread I make. Sharing is caring! 15 shares Share Tweet Pin15 Flipboard
Patriotic DIY Home Decor Candle Holder for under $5
The summer season typically means lots of patriotic holidays with lots of patriotic DIY home decor items! If you know you will be doing some outdoor dining this summer; you will want to give this patriotic DIY home decor Candle Holder a try. You don’t need to spend a lot to create one, in fact, quick trip to…
How to Get Cheap Airfare in the Shortest Time Possible
Let’s face it over the last couple of years it has become really hard to get cheap airfare, right? In fact, it is often cheaper to drive, but sometimes flying is what you have to do. So you end up spending hour after hour looking for cheap flights or discounts, so you save on airfare…
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Hey!!!! I am Melissa! I am a mother and wife that loves to live frugally, spend time with my family and help others. I think love goes a long way and respect goes even further. I am real on this site because life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. You’re not alone through all this and I want you to feel right at home. Join me in the ups and downs of frugal life and raising a family in a time where choosing the right isn’t always popular.