Potty Training Tips for Moms of Boys

Potty training for boys

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Potty training is NOT my favorite thing to do as a parent.  It is actually my absolute LEAST favorite thing.  When I started to have kids, I had plans for everything.  I planned their routine during the day, how I would feed them.  I didn’t think about potty training much.  looking back I am sure I didn’t want to think about it.  It was FFOOORRREEEVVVEERR away from where I was at that point.  I would think about it later.

Fast forward 3 years later.  I had 2 in diapers for a while and I was beginning to be tired of changing diapers so much.  We were doing cloth diapers about 70% of this time.  So I was washing and folding and all that fun.  I was ready to potty train.  Braxton on the other had was not so excited about it.  He thought he was good.  He didn’t have any desire to have life change.

Needless to say we were both less then excited.  But I decided that I would give it a try and not stop.  So I began reading everything I could about potty training.  I talked to everyone and I discovered that everyone had a different way of doing it.  There wasn’t really a right way to do it except you get them to sit and use the bathroom.

So I decided one morning that we were going to take this on.  We started the morning with sitting on the potty.  Nothing happened.  So we went on with our day.  We kept putting him on and putting a diaper on in between tries.  We quickly learned that this would never be successful.  We knew something had to change because he was just waiting until he had a diaper on and going then.

So we went to the store and got some Pull ups.  These were amazing!  B liked the characters and I loved that they acted like underwear.  We used a coupon of course because…. hello, coupon!  Which by the way Huggies has a Pull ups coupon coupon out for $3 off if you share it with a friend!  You can get it now!!!!  Print it and use it!!!  Totally worth it!!!

We put him on the potty a couple times before he went.  I sat him down and held him down and finally he started to go.  Now for those who don’t like TMI please stop reading here because this is about to get real.  I will give you a second…………. ok moving on. 😉

He ended up spraying EVERYWHERE! I was trying franticly to figure out what to do and there was no stopping it!  Now being a new mom I knew something must be wrong with him.  My baby has problems, right?  wrong.  It was just a boy thing!!!

I asked all my friends who had boys what to do and one of them finally gave me the secret that changed our world.  For all you moms out there with boys that are dreading the p word… you know potty training…. this will change your life and you will no longer fear it.

Turn the boys around!  Teach them to sit backwards on the potty until they can learn to stand.  This helps them aim and you will have a ton less messes to clean up!!!!  So we taught him to sit back wards.  that eliminated the need for a potty seat  and helped with the mess factor.  He loved it and so did I!

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