Disney Pixar’s Brave: Take Control of Your Future

Disney Pixar's Brave: Take Control of Your Future

Disney Pixar’s Brave: Take Control of Your Future

I am SO excited to see the movie “Brave”!!!!  If you don’t know much about it, here is the trailer for it:

I was watching this trailer and it got me to thinking.  I don’t know the whole story line, but I do know it is about taking control of your future.  I think this is something that we could all use a reminder of from time to tome.  We are in charge.  Be sure to remind your kids of that… 😉

We are in charge! we are in charge of our life and our finances and how we treat each other.  We are in charge of if we keep something or throw it away.  We are in charge!!!!  I think we need to remind ourselves of this often.  Especially in those times when we feel down.  We have the choice to wallow in our pitty and think why me, or we can own the situation we are in and figure out how to deal with it.

Lately I have been trying to remind myself that I am in charge of my future.  I am the one who decides if I make the sacrifices needed to minimize the debt we are in.  I am the one who chooses to spend quality time with my kids and help them feel grounded or to not connect with them.  I am the one who chooses to eat that candy Most EVERY Night!  I am the one who chooses if I make time to get some exercise.

Life is all about choices and I think it is important that whatever choice you make, you own it!  You may have made a bad choice… own it!  you may have made the best choice ever… Own that too!  When we own our choices we can easily make amends for the bad choices, bask in our victory of the good choices and learn from all our choices.

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What are you going to do to own your choices today?  What Choices did you make today??

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