The Scary Side of Debt and How We Made It through Part 2


This post is continued from The Scary Side of Debt and How We Made It through Part 1

So what do you do? Obviously you have obligations to pay. And I am not going to be dishonest and leave people hanging. It was surprising how companies and people are so willing to work with you. The electric company lowered the payments and spread them out over time. We were forward with our landlord, and other credit companies-telling them our situation and asking for leniency. When our second month came to pay rent my parents loaned us money for one months rent. For the third month- If we didn’t have the job we decided we would move home to my parents house to get back on our feet. We weren’t ashamed about it, but it would be hard. To move from our responsibilities with friends, community and church? Sometimes its best. It is wonderful to have a support system in such times of need.

We struggled and struggled and the best advice I can give you is take it one day at a time. You will be surprised at how much you do not need. You can really go two weeks with out spending money on anything but gas and a tiny bit on food.

SO what happened in the end.  Miraculously three days before we were going to call the moving truck, we got a job. Finally one of those interviews proved successful. Not only did his new owner give him a job, but paid him more, appreciated him and mentored him. One time my husband described his feelings like he was a lost beaten-up dog. Didn’t have a sense of security or and ounce confidence left in any one of his bones. But she picked him up, brushed him off, patted his back AND gave him a bone.

Like I meantioned before- we didn’t have any savings- but I did, over the years, work on building up my pantry. One of the biggest helps was food storage. I didn’t have the capabilities to build up a 3 month savings, but I did build up a 3 month food storage. When the pasta was on sale I’d by 10 for $10. When I needed condensed milk I’d buy two instead of one, when I was at Costco I often picked up an extra case of tomatoes or corn. I buy rice, sugar and flour in the big bags (better price) store them in a clean 5-gallon bucket, and store a spare in the garage. So I’d always have tons of those basic necessities. When He lost his job we used every last can and granule of sugar. We didn’t have money in the bank, but that food stored in our garage was a life saver!

While you are sitting there comfortable in your seat- think about what you would do in this situation. It’s not the first time  (or the 10th) you have thought about it right. Do you have savings, food storage, support system. If not make a plan and start working on it.

If you find yourself in a situation like mine last year- Here are a few things you can do:

1.     Re-evaluate your needs, and find new ways to meet those needs – example- new clothes are a want. Go to a thrift store, ask a friend who has a child a size up (this is my favorite option), mostly likely they will be sooooo happy to have their sentimental items going to a good home. People like to give things to people when they know where they are going, and going to someone who appreciates it. They don’t need to know your circumstances, just let them know you are interested.

2.     3 month supply of food you use. Find ways to store it. Be Creative. Start slow and easy, just pick up an extra can every time you make a trip.

3.     Take it week at a time. And then re-evaluate.

4.     Take your mind off it and help someone else. Helping others is FREE. It makes you feel good and distracts you from your problems. Doesn’t have to be dramatic either- simple– Babysit for a friend, meet a lonely neighbor at a park, take someone cookies, or a note. Helping others with their problems can make you really appreciate yours.

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I’m Des, or Desarae… or even Desi. Take your pick-I answer to all. A graduate from BYU, mom of 3 kids, wife to a man who recently graduated graduate school and now works alllll the time. {I miss student life} I love to cook {} I love being a mom and doing all things mommy-ish. I love taking my creativity out on my home, diy projects and photography. I try to do those as much as possible in between soccer practice and piano. (in other words, it doesn’t happen much) For other sarcastic ramblings check me out @ or on instagram @_desl_ (that is an L as the last letter)

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  1. Grandma Harding says:

    Oh, sweet Desi and family. We’re so proud of you and what you have been able to accomplish. I know it was hard, but with courage and determination you made it through. I remember when Grandpa was in college and I first worked at Boeing. Four years seemed like an interminable time. And, it was a hard time. We were on church welfare for a while (which was hard). Like you, we had little children (in fact, four little boys), but luckily I got the job at Boeing and with that, things worked out well. We love you so much and are really proud of you and what you have accomplished.