Family of 6 Budget for September and August Report

Monthly income report and monthly budget sharing so we can help eachother stay motivated and make the most of our money

I can’t believe the month is already over.  It has gone by faster than I expected.  The kids are back in school, and I finally feel like I am making progress on getting things back in order.  Though making our family of 6 budget is still not any easier for me to make!  ðŸ˜›

This month we significantly broke our budget.  I didn’t plan at all for the HUGE expense of back to school clothes and shoes.  BIG mistake when you have three kids going back to school that all need shoes and a few new outfits.  Not to mention tons of school supplies.

That was a huge fail this month for our budget.  We ended up spending lots of monies that were supposed to go to hubby’s work account.  It ended up being OK because he didn’t need to use it this month, but it does mean that we have to be way more aggressive to get that funded, so his work trips don’t mess up our budget.

Because we know this will be a yearly expense for us, it means we will have to plan for it and add extra to our budget, so this doesn’t happen next year.

Paying off the debt

I think I am getting more used to the budget and the amount we are paying monthly on our debt.  I don’t feel as stressed about it but it still hard for me to actually pay the bill.  Sometimes I wonder if that will be the case for the rest of the time we have this debt.  I hope not, but I also think this pain is the way I will develop the desire NEVER to do this again. 

Now I have to pause here to say that if you have not read our story yet, please do that! You will see that we made a choice to have debt knowing full well what we had to do to get out of it, but I still don’t like it!!

This month we paid off our minimum payment.  I am not sure how much longer we will be able to do this, but each month we can, I am grateful for it. 

How much we paid on our student loans for the month of September as part of our family of 6 budget

It is hard to imagine that we can make as much as we do and that we are close to not being able to make our minimum payment. That seems like such a strange thing for us.  We have always made it work and had more than we needed.

We received some information on refinancing our loans and so we are starting to look into the options because we could get the interest rte down to 4.9% which is almost 1/2 of what we have now.

Family of 6 budget for September

Here is our budget for a family of 6 for this month.  I feel like we are being blessed with miracles monthly that make it possible for our budget to work.  I honestly have no idea how it is happening, but it is so I will take it!!!

We have now added more funds to our clothing budget, so we have enough for back to school clothes to avoid another fail on our budget.

Check out how a family of 6 can make a budget work for them!

I can only hope that the blessings continue, but I know we will keep being blessed as we work hard and keep trying to make things work!  Sacrifice is the key!

If you want to see more of our budgets, check out the rest of our budgets here!

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Hi! What a great budget. You are doing fantastic! I would love to get tithe back in the budget, as well as clothes, lol. Im curious how you are making $250 a month work for feeding your family? We have just a tad less than that and i am struggling to make it work. In fact, im about to throw in the towel and start using the card for food.