It’s a……..

Our Baby

Well, I’m not going to tell you yet!  That would ruin the fun!!!!!  *I know, mean right? 😉

If you missed the first part of my story be sure to read it before continuing on here.

I had my ultrasound this morning.  I am happy to say as far as we know there is still a baby there and it as growing well.  We have had a hunch to the gender for a while, but I have always had a hard time 100% believing it until I see it.  But I am not going to tell you that part first…. 😉

First I want to tell you that I was shocked yet again at what we have found.  After all the measurements were done and we have a due date finally.  We watched and waited as the tech looked high and low trying to get all the measurements she could so we could have the most accurate time frame for the baby to be here.  And after all that she them clicked a button to calculate the age of the baby and she says “19 weeks 3 days”  I said “WHAT?” and she said “yup.  that puts you due about Feb 10th.”  I glanced at my husband and said “well, it looks like we are back where we started.”  He kind of shrugged and said “ok… at least we have a for sure date now.”

I can honestly say that I was just getting used to the time frame the dr gave me and now we are back to Feb. again.  kind of frustrating.  BUT I am actually excited for the due date to be February instead.  We have no one in either of our families with a February birthday, so it will be nice to have a special month just for our little one.

NOW…. on to the gender.  After finding out the due date, she moved on to see what she could find out gender wise.  after a little struggle because the baby is very modest and didn’t want to move around she was able to get a clear shot and there was no question what it is.  It is a… BOY!  We couldn’t be more excited.  I LOVE boy babies.  Growing up with 4 brothers and no sisters, boys are much easier for me to deal with and read.  Girls throw me for a loop quite often.  So I am hopeful that this one will help ground the family a little more.  My older son is excited because he keeps telling me that he needs a little brother too.  So we are all over the moon with excitement.

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Now comes the hard part for us.  Names.  It is SO hard for us to find names because I like unique but not weird names and my husband likes traditional strong English names, so if you have an suggestions please leave them in the comments!  They would be much appreciated.

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  1. YEAH!!! For boys!!! You needed another boy 🙂 So glad you get your 2 extra months back…but I’ll laugh if he decides to come early! As for names…dunno, we always had a hard time too…I’ll keep you posted.

  2. Happy boy!! That is awesome! Hope you are feeling well!

  3. YAY!!! that’s all GOODgood news!! I’m so happy for you 🙂 I bet you were so relieved.

  4. Congrats! I love my boys. My name is dual gendee so for my son I wanted traditional masculine names. He is Anthony. Runner-up names were Jeffrey, Micah, Evan and Benjamin

  5. Congrats on the new addition to your family. I am a “boy” mom myself. I have 2 of them. Yes they started off cute and small, but now they are big and stink…he-he!!

    As far as boys name about Allen, Marcus or James. Good luck!

  6. Congrats! My little guy’s name is Dalton. 🙂

  7. Anonymous says:

    How bout Desmond? 😉

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