How To Save Money On Eye Care

Medical expences are always costly if you don’t have insurance.  One thing a lot of insurance companies don’t cover are eye glasses or contacts.  Most will cover the office visit to see the doctor, but don’t cover the costs after that.

When my husband needed glasses we were stuck paying for them.  We have great insurance, but we didn’t get the full coverage for him because he has never needed glasses or contacts in the past.  We found ourselves at Walmart looking at the cheapest glasses they had.  they were $30.00 each, just for the frames.

I wish I had known about all the things you could do to get things for free or for really cheap before we bought him those. There is so much out there.  I wanted to try to get one post of everything I could find out there so those with glasses or contacts can get the things they need for cheaper.

The website Zenni Optical is the greatest site.  They offer frames starting at $8.00 a pair!!  They are nice too.  not super ugly thick framed things either.  This will save you so much.  Shipping to you is only $4.95 too.  These are definitely worth looking at.  I saw a post on the Thrifty Mama about these just after we got my husbands glasses and I wished we had it before.  So I want to pass it on before anyone else misses out.

Have you ever wanted to change your eye color??  Now you can get a Free trial pair of Acuvue colors.

Click on the image above and you will be able to get a coupon for a free pair of the contacts.  you take that with you to see your eye doctor and they will give you the contacts.  This is such a cool way to try out a new color and see what it is like.

You can also get a free pair of Acuvue Oasis.  These are made with Hydoclear Plus.  That helps to keep them not dry out as the day goes on.  I have used Acuvue for years and they are great contacts.  I have never had a problem with them.  I will be trying these out the next time I am at the eye doctor.  

This one is just like the Acuvue color.  Click on the image above and you will be able to get a coupon for a fee pair to take to the eye doctor.

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Do you have any tips how to save on eye care?

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