How To Extreme Coupon: How To Pay It Forward and Give

How To Extreme Coupon: How To Pay It Forward and Give

Be sure to check out all 10 steps to learn How To Coupon

I have always wanted to give, but I never felt like I had the means to do it.  We lived paycheck to paycheck, somehow making ends meet at the end of the month, but never having enough to give to others.

Couponing has blessed my life in so many ways.  I could never even begin to explain how much it has helped my family.  Not only with food, but with organization, money management, and personal discipline.  I have wanted to give others the blessing I have received.  So that is where this blog comes in, and I also have come up with a list of things each of us can do to give back some of the things we have been given.

1) Donate as much as you can to your local food bank– We have news story after news story about how the local food bank is running lower and lower on food.  Many more people are going to the food bank to get food because they can’t afford it due to job loss or not making enough.  We are blessed to know how to get many things for free or close to free.  We have a unique opportunity to give so much food to the food bank that wont cost us much.  some of it may even make us a bit of money or give us more food.  Please take advantage of this, it will bless others more then I can say.

2) Donate non-food items to your local homeless shelter, woman and child centers, or nursing homes–  I can no stress enough how grateful others will be to be given all this stuff.  We have more opportunities to get toothpaste and deodorant for free then any other item.  I have gotten a huge stash and then some.  I also have passed up so many free toothpastes.  I probably could have gotten 2 or 3 times the amount we have.  if I were just to go get these items and donated them, they would be given to those who really needed it.

3) Give free items to family and friends in need– This is a great way to bless those you actually know.  We give some things to my mom and brother.  They live close and choose not to coupon. ( I know crazy that they choose not to right??)  But I can still bless them with the free items I get.

4) Give coupons to others that you wont use– This can be done in 2 ways.  Either mailing them to others, like military families over seas, or you can give them to others at the grocery store.  I have been in stores and seen people, in line or as they were shopping, with items I would never buy and I knew I wouldn’t use the coupon but I had them.  I always make it a point to ask if they want it.  They are always grateful for it and use it.  Try not to be nervous about it.  I have never had anyone be rude, although I can’t promise no one will be.

I want to stress to you the importance of giving to others.  Not everyone had the ability to get so much for so cheap like we do.  There are so many people out there suffering and in need.  Be sure that you are stretching out to those people as much as you can.  Whether it be by giving the items you don’t need, or just giving your time to organize or cook the food the get.  Be sure you are sharing the wealth that we all have.

For the first post in the series see  The Language in Coupon Match Ups and Deals

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  1. Tracie Parker says:

    I am in Gaffney SC , we have a group of family members of troops, it is called Supporting Each Other Military style, we are in much need of things to go in the troops care packages that we send. We would appreciate anything you may could send or pass the word along. Im sure people have some free toothbrushes, toothpaste or samples of other things they would be willing to share with us. I assure you that these things will go to the troops and that I am not trying to cheat anyone out of things. I coupon myself but am out of my overstock to donate to the boxes. Any money we are raising is going to the shipping therefore it leaves us very short on cash to buy the things to go into the care packages. I hope that you and some of your followers of your blog may stick some things in the mail and lets give our troops a little thank you for what they are doing. Thanks and God Bless
    Tracie Parker
    408 Shalimar Drive
    Gaffney SC 29341

  2. colleen peterson says:

    i heard somewhere that u can give expired coupons to the military families…where do i sign up for that?

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