Brussels Sprouts Recipe for Two
One of my goals in having this series is that I will try to cook things I have never cooked before. I also want to try things I haven’t tried before or maybe haven’t liked before and try to find a recipe I like.

This brings us to this weeks Ingredient….brussels sprouts. I have only had these once in my life and I was very young. I would hear from everyone how disgusting these are and I decided to just stay away form them. I tend to do that with things I don’t know about.
So, because I knew nothing about them, I asked my friends if anyone had a recipe they liked. I got a lot of people suggesting to steam then a little butter and salt and eat.
But then I got one that was really interesting to me. It involved spices and baking them. so I decided to do it. So I went shopping and asked the produce guy for help picking them out. He suggested getting them firm with not a lot of leaves coming off. So I got a few and brought them home to cook.
I realized I didn’t have the spices my friend used in hers, but I found some I had that sounded close to the ones she used, so I used those. They turned out great! I can’t say I will make them often, but they weren’t as bad as I thought they would be.
So here is the recipe she gave me so you can try it!!
Get as many brussels sprouts for your family
drizzle with olive oil
season with Tony Chacheres Creole Spices (if you don’t have these, I used garlic, spikes seasoning, and a little Mrs. Dash.)
Bake at 425 until soft
Check out more cheap dinners for two
I love Brussel Sprouts! I linked up and can’t wait to see more recipes for a vegetable underdog!