Say Cheese: Photo Ornament Craft

Photo Ornament Craft

A great way to remember one holiday to the next is with a photo ornament. Photo ornaments are always fun to unwrap from year to year as you are trimming the tree, as they can help you reflect on the holiday past and look forward to the holiday future. Photo ornaments don’t need to be pricey or time consuming to make, in fact all you really need is a few supplies and a picture of your choice. Take a look below at how to make your very own photo ornament this holiday season so you can cherish it for years to come.

Supplies Needed:
Photo of your choice
Piece of cardboard
Exacto knife
Drinking glasses with two different sized bases
Craft glue
Yarn or ribbon

I was able to find all of the above items at my local craft store, making this a festive and frugal craft.

1. Begin by using your drinking glasses as your stencil for cutting. Place the larger glass first on the piece of cardboard and trace it with a pencil.
2. Now remove the glass, and place a smaller glass inside that circle. Trace.
3. Create your “frame” by now cutting out the large circle, and using an Exacto knife to cut out the inner circle. Your final result will be a round frame.
4. Take your ribbon or yard and begin wrapping it around the frame. Wrap slowly and tightly so the ribbon lays flat and evenly. Secure the end of the ribbon with a drop of glue.
5. Now, place your photo behind the frame. Cut a piece of cardboard or felt even to cover the back of the frame and secure the photo. Use glue to secure it.
6. Taking some additional ribbon, add a dab of glue to the ends and press it firmly to the back of the ornament to create a hook for hanging.

Now the only thing to do is decide where you want to hang this piece! On a tree, from a mantel, or even from a stocking hook are all great ideas. So gather your favorite photos and give this easy holiday craft a try!

If you like this, be sure to check out the rest of our Ornaments!

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